Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blog 21

What I worked on in Class Today

Student loan debt hinders the American dream.
Students need to accrue debt to attend college.
Student do not know anything about their loans until they have to start paying them back
The phrase, Loans allow anyone to attend college,” is misleading yes it allows thm opportunities but at what cost?
Intro=defining what it means to be a student
Intro= mention of focus, focus on lit review, mention of methods, mention of niche.

Occupying a niche
In this study I examine an interview on a recent college graduate, and her outlooks and reflections on the system of attending highier education.

Then lit review

Then methods

Lit review=using lit rev for comparison and support, defining your area of study and defining key terms, discuss differences or similarities in methods for getting data.
Data/analysis=6-7pgs, dig into the language, participants’ sense of being overwhelming, that feeling that your parents are responsible for important things like this. Its not the parents though it’s the system that is unjust. There is a cultural story of parents looking after us that makes it hard to realize that the real issue is a social/institutional one. It is the systems problem not the parents. The cultural stories perpetuate students to take on huge loans. Main cultural story=The America Dream? You have to go to college to succeed. Parents responsibillity

Look at how my subject was exhibiting weakness or trying to hide weaknesses in her language and look at what she felt strong about talking about or wanted to make sure I got it.
Conclusions ideas

Restate the findings, limitations, desire to further research, why its important

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